FOOD, flower, fanny pack… Forget whatever nickname you have for your vagina, because we’re about to get scientific about the passageway that connects your uterus to the outside.
This vital organ, not to be confused with the vulva (your external genitals), is finally coming under the microscope by scientists.
It is home to billions bacteria which can give you a burning, itchy or bad smell down there if the delicate balance is disturbed. Up to half of women will develop a urinary tract infection in their lifetime*, 75% will develop thrush**, while bacterial vaginosis (BV) – which causes discharge with a fishy odor – affects almost a third of women, with some not having any symptoms. show symptoms.*
This vital organ is finally making scientists sit up and take notice
A new wave of products – from probiotics to specially formulated serums, lubricants and period pants – aim to prevent these conditions (and the endless trips to the pharmacy) by helping maintain the harmony of the vaginal microbiome.
“The scientific evidence regarding the importance of the vaginal microbiome is robust in many areas. However, there are still significant gaps, which will hopefully be filled by ongoing research,” says Tracey Sainsbury, a fertility consultant and ambassador for Femme Health.
Although the vagina is complicated and somewhat misunderstood (just like its owner), there are some basic hygiene principles that all women should know…
The delicate microbiome of your vagina
A normal vaginal pH is between 3.8 and 5 – moderately acidic to prevent overgrowth of unwanted insects and fungi. “Your vagina contains specific lactobacilli to lower its pH and keep it healthy,” says Dr Jo Bailey, an NHS gynaecologist.
When these microorganisms become out of balance, symptoms of BV and thrush can occur. A urinary tract infection, on the other hand, is usually caused by E.coli, which is present in the intestines and travels to the urethra through the feces. “Women with a healthy vaginal microbiome don’t get as many urinary tract infections,” says Dr. Bailey.
The suggestion is that a healthy vaginal microbiome can help ward off nasty bacteria. Simply put, there is an overlap between gut, vaginal and urinary health.
What are your hormones doing?
The hormonal changes that occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can affect the vaginal microbiome. “Estrogen is very important for supporting vaginal health,” says Dr. Bailey.
During menopause, however, estrogen levels continue to decline. “These changes increase the risk of atrophic vaginitis (where the lining of the vagina becomes thinner and drier), BV, and genitourinary symptoms in postmenopausal women,” says Dr. Bailey. HRT and vaginal estrogen can help.
An estrogen change also occurs before a menstrual period. “For some women, that causes changes in their microbiome,” says Dr. Bailey. “Some data suggests that women on the pill, who have less fluctuation in hormones, may have fewer problems.”
I tried and tested my very first vaginal steam and it was not at all what I expected – it was intensely emotional to begin with
But the science is not decisive. “For some, introducing the pill can be a boon, boosting microbiome flora and fauna, while for others it can cause a significant imbalance,” says Tracey.
The complications
As if the risk of nasty infections wasn’t bad enough, some evidence points to more sinister implications of an imbalanced vaginal microbiome.
Research has looked at the vaginal composition of women with HPV – the cause of 99% of cervical cancer cases. “The HPV virus is common – every woman who has had sexual contact has been exposed to it,” says Dr. Bailey.
But while the immune system flushes it out in most women, in others it lingers, putting them at risk for cancerous changes. “What is it about those women who can’t get rid of it quickly?
Data from one study found that the vaginal microbiome was more likely to be out of balance,” says Dr. Bailey. “Meanwhile, BV has been implicated in early miscarriages, postpartum infections and premature birth. BV is also associated with an increased risk of acquiring infections that can cause pelvic inflammatory disease.”
Knowledge of self-care
“You should look after your vulval skin and vagina by wearing cotton underwear rather than synthetic underwear, and have good general hygiene – so avoid spreading bacteria from your anus to your vagina by making sure you wipe from front to back as you go to the toilet,” says Dr. Bailey. The best way to clean the vulva (including the labia) is with warm water and, at most, a perfume-free mild soap.
To clean between the vulva and anus, use the same front-to-back motion. But don’t wash the vagina – the inner canal – as this is home to those important bacteria. An itchy vulva doesn’t always mean thrush, it can also be a skin irritation.
“Washing with an emollient, such as Cetraben (and then using it as a moisturizer) can be soothing,” says Dr. Bailey. “If you find your symptoms get worse during sex, using a water-based lubricant can help. If you have a new partner, use condoms.” This will help prevent STIs and possibly BV.
Gynecological equipment
VJJ Perfect V, £26
VJJ Perfect V
These probiotics for your vagina, which contain four active lactobacilli, reach the vagina via the intestines and ward off BV and thrush.
Naydaya victory Oil£28
Naydaya Victory Oil
You’re hydrating your entire body, so why not your vulva too? This serum prevents dehydration and discomfort, and contains only natural oils, such as coconut and sweet almond.
Annahitah Period Pants
Annahitah period pants
Skip the irritating pads and tampons and opt for period panties that are gentler on the vagina. This range includes heavy-flow briefs (Shanti, £24) to light-flow gym-ready thongs (Venus, £20) – both machine washable.
Yes WB Water-Based Personal Lubricant, £11.99
Yes WB Water Based Personal Lubricant
Lubricants can prevent friction on the vaginal skin during sex, making irritation less likely. This is pH-matched and free of potentially flora-disrupting chemicals or perfumes.
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Luna Daily The Everywhere Wash, £14
Luna Daily The overall wash
Designed to prevent irritation, this intimate wash is pH neutral and contains vitamins C, E and F, plus prebiotics to soothe and balance skin.