Heart Health: Unclogging Arteries for Optimal FunctionHeart Health: Unclogging Arteries for Optimal Function Coronary heart disease, a condition resulting from blocked arteries supplying blood to the heart, poses significant health risks. As blockages accumulate, blood flow becomes impaired, hindering nutrient distribution and disrupting heart muscle function. This disruption can lead to widespread damage within the body. Recognizing Symptoms Patients experiencing coronary heart disease often report discomfort in the chest. This discomfort may manifest as persistent pain or pressure lasting for more than 20 minutes. Accompanying symptoms include a burning sensation, cold sweat, weakness, nausea, and dizziness. Treatment Options Treatment for coronary heart disease aims to restore blood flow to the heart. In some cases, drug therapy can effectively reduce blockages. For more severe blockages, a procedure called stent placement may be necessary. This procedure involves inserting a small device into the artery to keep it open and allow for proper blood flow. Preventing and Managing Risk Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for preventing and managing coronary heart disease. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and abstinence from smoking can significantly reduce the risk of developing this condition. Additionally, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels is essential for maintaining optimal heart health.
“As the blockages gradually increase and reach a peak, blood no longer flows smoothly, nutrients are no longer distributed properly and the functioning of the heart muscle is disrupted, leading to damage throughout the body,” he adds.
Typical symptoms that can be felt by coronary heart disease patients are chest pain or heavy pressure in the chest area for more than 20 minutes, accompanied by a burning sensation, cold sweat, weakness, nausea and dizziness. If it occurs, treatment can be done without surgery with drug therapy or stent placement.