Children ride for Pelotonia Kids on Saturday

This HTML/CSS code creates a webpage with the title “Children ride for Pelotonia Kids on Saturday.” The webpage includes a gallery of images and videos related to the Pelotonia Kids bike ride, which raises money for pediatric cancer research. The webpage also includes information about the event, such as the date and location, and how to register and donate.This HTML/CSS code creates a webpage with the title “Children ride for Pelotonia Kids on Saturday.” The webpage includes a gallery of images and videos related to the Pelotonia Kids bike ride, which raises money for pediatric cancer research. The webpage also includes information about the event, such as the date and location, and how to register and donate. The HTML code includes a “ section that contains metadata about the webpage, such as the title, description, and author. The “ section contains the content of the webpage, which is organized into several sections, including a gallery, news articles, and a registration form. The CSS code styles the webpage, including the layout, fonts, and colors. The CSS code also includes media queries that adjust the layout of the webpage for different screen sizes. Overall, this HTML/CSS code creates a well-organized and informative webpage about the Pelotonia Kids bike ride. The webpage is easy to navigate and provides all the information that potential participants and donors need to know.

Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibilityChildren ride for Pelotonia Kids on Saturday

Sat, 06 Jul 2024 18:59:27 GMT (1720292367039)

Gallery – News3 v1.0.0 (common)


Fallback Presentation. Using deprecated PresentationRouter.


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