In Faridabad, the Haryana Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) arrested two individuals on Saturday for soliciting a bribe of Rs. 2 lakh in exchange for employment at an ESIC Hospital. Rakesh, one of the accused, was apprehended while accepting a bribe of Rs. 1.8 lakh, while the other accused, Hakim, was found with Rs. 1.2 lakh. At the Faridabad police station, the ACB has filed a First Information Report (FIR).In Faridabad, the Haryana Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) arrested two individuals on Saturday for soliciting a bribe of Rs. 2 lakh in exchange for employment at an ESIC Hospital. Rakesh, one of the accused, was apprehended while accepting a bribe of Rs. 1.8 lakh, while the other accused, Hakim, was found with Rs. 1.2 lakh. At the Faridabad police station, the ACB has filed a First Information Report (FIR). The complaint claimed that Rakesh, who was said to be the sanitation job fixer at ESIC Hospital, had demanded a bribe. The complainant had paid him Rs. 20,000. The ACB devised a plan to apprehend the accused in the presence of witnesses after conducting an investigation.
Chandigarh: The Haryana anti-corruption bureau on Saturday arrested two men in Faridabad on charges of soliciting a bribe of Rs 2 lakh in exchange for a job at an ESIC Hospital. Accused Rakesh was caught accepting bribe of Rs 1.8 lakh, while Rs 1.2 lakh was found on accused Hakim. The ACB has filed an FIR at the Faridabad police station. The complaint was regarding the demand for a bribe from Rakesh, who was allegedly sanitation job fixer at ESIC Hospital. The complainant had paid him Rs 20,000. After an investigation, a plan was devised to apprehend the accused in the presence of witnesses.
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