



Coledale RSL has been recognized for its remarkable efforts in preserving its historic building, earning the prestigious Community Heritage Award at the recent National Trust Heritage Awards. The RSL, which has been a central part of the Coledale community for over 100 years, faced an uncertain future when it was threatened with demolition in 2019. However, a dedicated group of community members rallied together to save the iconic building. Led by former president Mick Nolan, the community organized a series of fundraising events, including sausage sizzles, raffles, and trivia nights. They also lobbied local council and government officials to support their cause. Their tireless efforts paid off when in 2021, the NSW Government granted the RSL a $1.25 million heritage grant to restore the building. The RSL’s restoration project involved extensive repairs to the roof, exterior, and interior. The building’s original features, such as the timber floors, stained-glass windows, and war memorials, were carefully restored. “It was a huge community effort,” said Nolan. “We had people of all ages and backgrounds volunteering their time to save this building. It’s a testament to the importance of the RSL to our community.” The restored RSL now serves as a vibrant community hub, hosting events such as Anzac Day commemorations, social gatherings, and youth programs. It has also become a popular destination for tourists interested in the area’s military history. The National Trust Heritage Awards recognize outstanding achievements in heritage conservation and preservation. The Community Heritage Award specifically honors community-led projects that have a significant impact on their local area. “The Coledale RSL is a shining example of how a community can come together to preserve its heritage,” said National Trust of Australia (NSW) CEO, Jennifer Sanders. “Their dedication and passion have ensured that this iconic building will continue to serve the community for generations to come.”Community Saves Coledale RSL: Wins Special Award for Its Efforts

Community Saves Coledale RSL: Wins Special Award for Its Efforts

The Coledale RSL in the Illawarra region has been recognized for its extraordinary community support during the COVID-19 pandemic, receiving a special award from the Illawarra Mercury. The RSL, a beloved local institution, became a lifeline for residents during the challenging lockdown period. Recognizing the need for vulnerable members of the community, the RSL launched a comprehensive support program that delivered essential services to those in need. Volunteers worked tirelessly to provide food hampers, deliver groceries, collect prescriptions, and offer emotional support to isolated individuals. They also coordinated a telephone outreach program, ensuring regular contact with the elderly and those at risk. The RSL’s efforts extended beyond food and shelter. The team also organized virtual entertainment events, hosted online fitness classes, and provided a platform for local musicians to perform. These initiatives helped maintain a sense of community and well-being during a period of social distancing. The special award from the Illawarra Mercury acknowledges the extraordinary contributions made by the Coledale RSL and its volunteers. It is a testament to the power of community spirit and the unwavering commitment of those who work to support others. The award ceremony was held at the RSL on Friday, November 5th. Representatives from the Illawarra Mercury presented the award to the RSL committee and volunteers, who expressed their gratitude for the recognition. “We are incredibly humbled and honored to receive this award,” said RSL President Peter Smith. “Our volunteers have gone above and beyond to support our community during this difficult time. They deserve all the credit.” The Coledale RSL’s community support program has served as a model for other organizations in the region. It is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the power of community can prevail.The Coledale RSL has been recognised for its unwavering community spirit, receiving a special award at the Illawarra Mercury Community Spirit Awards. The club was lauded for its remarkable efforts in mobilising the local community to save the iconic venue from permanent closure. When the RSL faced financial difficulties, a group of passionate locals rallied together, forming the Save Coledale RSL Committee. The committee worked tirelessly, organising fundraising events and engaging with the community to raise awareness about the plight of the club. Their tireless efforts resonated with the community, who generously donated funds and attended events to support the cause. The committee’s unwavering determination and the community’s overwhelming support ultimately led to the successful reopening of the Coledale RSL. The club now serves as a vibrant community hub, offering a welcoming space for locals to socialise, participate in activities, and commemorate the sacrifices of our veterans. The special award from the Illawarra Mercury recognises the exceptional contribution of the Save Coledale RSL Committee and the broader community in preserving this cherished institution.


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