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Chandra Namaskar: A Comprehensive Guide with Health BenefitsChandra Namaskar: A Comprehensive Guide with Health Benefits Introduction Chandra Namaskar, also known as Moon Salutation, is a sequence of yoga poses that focuses on releasing tension in the left side of the body, which is associated with the moon’s energy of emotions, receptivity, and intuition. Sequence of Chandra Namaskar The Chandra Namaskar sequence consists of 14 poses, transitioning smoothly from one to the next: 1. Pranam Asana (Prayer Pose) 2. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose) 3. Padahastasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose) 4. Ashwasanchalan Asana (Horse’s Pose) 5. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) 6. Santolanasana (Plank Pose) 7. Ashtanga Pranamasana (Eight-Limbed Bow Pose) 8. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 9. Adhomukhi Swanasana (Downward Dog Pose) 10. Ashwasanchalan Asana (Horse’s Pose) 11. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) 12. Padahastasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose) 13. Hastha Utthan Asana (Raised Arms Pose) 14. Pranam Asana (Prayer Pose) Health Benefits of Chandra Namaskar Regular practice of Chandra Namaskar offers numerous health benefits, including: * Strengthens the lower back and opens the shoulders * Mobilizes the knees and prevents stiffness * Increases flexibility in the pelvic region * Promotes weight loss and balances the body * Supports the hamstrings, legs, and abdominal muscles * Stimulates digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems * Improves emotional balance and receptivity Ideal Practice Time Chandra Namaskar is traditionally practiced at 6:00 PM, facing the moon. This time is considered optimal for releasing negative emotions and promoting relaxation. Conclusion Chandra Namaskar is a powerful yoga practice that offers numerous health benefits for both body and mind. By incorporating it into your routine, you can strengthen your body, improve your emotional well-being, and promote overall well-being.

Yoga has multiple health benefits. It helps in strengthening bones and muscles and boosting immunity. In yoga, the sun salutation and moon salutation are two routines that focus on working and stretching the entire body. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa, columnist and author, shared the importance of the moon salutation – Chandra Namaskar. “Chandra Namaskar is a salutation to the moon. The moon represents our emotions, emotional intelligence and taste. The left side is the energy of the moon and is symbolically represented by this flow, while the sun is represented by the right side,” he explained.

Sequence of Chandra Namaskar:

Chandra Namaskar is ideally practiced at 6pm, facing the moon. (Pinterest) {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}}

Asana-1: Pranam Asana – Prayer pose

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Asana-2: Hasta Uttanasana – Raised Arms Pose

Asana Pose 3: Padahastasana – Standing forward bend pose

Asana Pose 4: Ashwasanchalan Asana – Horseman’s Pose

Asana-5: Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon Pose

Asana-6: Santolanasana – Plank pose

Asana Exercise 7: Ashtanga Pranamasana – Eight-Limbed Bow Pose

Asana Pose 8: Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose

Asana Pose 9: Adhomukhi Swanasana – Downward Dog Pose

Asana Exercise 10: Ashwasanchalan Asana – Horseman’s Pose

Asana Exercise 11: Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon Pose

Asana Exercise 12: Padahastasana – Standing forward bend pose

Asana Exercise 13: Hastha Utthan Asana – Raised Arms Pose

Asana Exercise 14: Pranam Asana – Prayer pose

ALSO READ: Yoga and Women’s Health: 5 Asanas That Can Help Women Live Healthier Lives

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Health Benefits of Chandra Namaskar:

Physically, this flow strengthens the lower back and opens your shoulders. It mobilizes the knees by lubricating the kneecaps and prevents them from becoming stiff. The pelvic region becomes more flexible with regular practice. Chandra Namaskar also promotes weight loss and creates a sense of balance in your body. It also helps in strengthening and stretching the spine. It also helps in supporting the hamstrings, backs of the legs and abdominal muscles. Regular practice of Chandra Namaskar helps in stimulating many bodily functions such as digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems. Chandra Namaskar is ideally practiced at 6:00 PM facing the moon.

ALSO READ: Tackle All Your Menstrual Problems Like A Boss With Chandra Namaskar

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