San Diego Aquarium Welcomes Rare Green Sea Turtle Hatchling

San Diego Aquarium Welcomes Rare Green Sea Turtle HatchlingSan Diego Aquarium Welcomes Rare Green Sea Turtle Hatchling The San Diego Aquarium is thrilled to announce the arrival of a rare green sea turtle hatchling, a significant addition to its conservation efforts. On April 12, the hatchling emerged from its nest at the Baja California Sur hatchery of the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP). It was then flown to San Diego, where it received veterinary care and acclimated to its new environment. “We are incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to care for this precious hatchling,” said David Owens, Vice President of Collections and Research at the San Diego Aquarium. “Green sea turtles are an endangered species, and we are committed to supporting their recovery.” The hatchling, which weighs just over half a pound and measures 2 inches in shell length, will be housed in a specialized nursery exhibit at the aquarium. Aquarium staff will provide it with round-the-clock care, including feeding, water changes, and veterinary checkups. As the hatchling grows, it will be gradually introduced to larger exhibits. Ultimately, the aquarium aims to release it back into the wild as part of a conservation program. Green sea turtles are found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. They are highly migratory, traveling long distances to feed and breed. However, they face numerous threats, including habitat loss, pollution, and overfishing. The San Diego Aquarium is actively involved in green sea turtle conservation. In addition to caring for the hatchling, the aquarium supports nesting beach protection, satellite tracking of adult turtles, and education programs to raise awareness about the importance of these animals. “By welcoming this hatchling into our Aquarium, we are not only providing it with a safe and healthy environment but also inspiring our guests to learn about and care for ocean life,” said Owens. “Together, we can make a difference for this iconic species.”


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