Olympia, WA: Rare Blue Moon Illuminates Puget Sound

Olympia, WA: Rare Blue Moon Illuminates Puget SoundOlympia, WA: Rare Blue Moon Illuminates Puget Sound On the evening of July 31st, 2023, residents of Olympia, Washington, and the surrounding area were treated to a rare and spectacular celestial event: a blue moon. This phenomenon occurs when two full moons appear in the same calendar month, with the second being known as a blue moon. As darkness descended, the sky over Puget Sound transformed into an ethereal canvas, painted with vibrant hues of blue. The moon, a brilliant orb of cerulean, cast a soft, shimmering glow upon the water, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. From the vantage point of the Olympia waterfront, the blue moon hung low in the southeastern sky, its ethereal light reflected in the glassy surface below. The iconic State Capitol dome, illuminated by the moon’s otherworldly glow, became a surreal and captivating sight. Along the shores of Budd Inlet, crowds gathered to witness this celestial rarity. Camera flashes illuminated the darkness as people captured the breathtaking moment. Boats and kayaks glided across the water, their occupants marveling at the moon’s ethereal beauty. The blue moon also cast a spell over the Olympic Mountains, which stood as a majestic backdrop to the celestial display. The mountains’ rugged peaks and lush forests were bathed in a soft, ethereal glow, creating a sense of timeless wonder. As the night wore on, the blue moon slowly began to set, its light fading into a gentle twilight. But for those who had witnessed this rare and extraordinary event, the memory of the night sky’s celestial symphony would forever be etched in their hearts.


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