Las Vegas Residents Witness Dazzling Meteor Shower Overnight

Las Vegas Residents Witness Dazzling Meteor Shower OvernightLas Vegas Residents Witness Dazzling Meteor Shower Overnight In a captivating celestial display, residents of Las Vegas were treated to a mesmerizing meteor shower that illuminated the night sky overnight. The showers, known as the Lyrids, reached their peak on April 22, providing onlookers with an awe-inspiring spectacle. From around midnight until dawn, numerous meteors streaked across the sky, their blazing tails leaving a trail of ghostly luminescence. The showers were particularly visible in the eastern part of the city, where clear skies offered optimal viewing conditions. “It was absolutely breathtaking,” said local resident Sarah Jones. “I counted at least a dozen meteors every minute at one point. It was like being in a planetarium, but so much more real.” The Lyrids are an annual meteor shower that occurs every April. They are caused by the Earth passing through the debris trail of the comet Thatcher. As the comet orbits the Sun, it sheds tiny particles of rock and dust, which create the meteor shower when they enter Earth’s atmosphere and burn up. This year’s Lyrids were particularly active, with an estimated 18 meteors per hour visible from Las Vegas. The showers also had a long duration, lasting for several hours. “It was an unforgettable experience,” said Emily Williams, a tourist visiting from New York City. “I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s amazing to think that we’re witnessing something that’s millions of years old.” The meteor shower was not only a visual delight but also a reminder of the vastness and wonder of the universe. Las Vegas residents and visitors alike shared their awe and excitement on social media, using hashtags such as #Lyrids and #MeteorShowerLV.


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