Oakland: Police Officer Accused of Brutality in Viral Video

Oakland Police Officer Accused of Brutality in Viral VideoOakland Police Officer Accused of Brutality in Viral Video A viral video circulating online has sparked outrage and an internal investigation after it allegedly captured an Oakland police officer using excessive force on a man. The video, which was shared widely on social media, shows a police officer approaching a man who is sitting on the ground near a sidewalk. The officer appears to push the man to the ground and then kneel on his neck for several minutes. The man can be heard crying out in pain and pleading with the officer to stop. The incident occurred on Saturday, January 8th, 2023, at a bus stop in West Oakland. Witnesses reported that the man, who has been identified as 32-year-old Erik Estrada, was having a mental health crisis at the time of the encounter. According to the Oakland Police Department, Estrada was acting erratically and had been seen brandishing a knife. Officers responded to the scene and attempted to detain him. The video, however, raises serious questions about the use of force by the officer involved. Estrada appears to be compliant and not posing any immediate threat when the officer kneels on his neck. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf condemned the incident and called for an immediate investigation. “I am deeply concerned by the excessive force allegedly used by the officer in this incident,” she said. “We must ensure that our police officers are trained and held accountable to the highest standards.” The officer involved has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. The Internal Affairs Division of the Oakland Police Department is conducting the review. The incident has sparked protests and calls for the officer to be held accountable. Civil rights groups have accused the Oakland Police Department of a pattern of excessive force against minority communities. Erik Estrada was taken to the hospital following the incident. He was treated for minor injuries and released.


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