Surprise Snowstorm Blankets Billings, Montana

Surprise Snowstorm Blankets Billings, MontanaSurprise Snowstorm Blankets Billings, Montana A thick blanket of snow descended upon the city of Billings, Montana, on Friday night, catching residents by surprise. The unexpected storm dumped over 10 inches of snow on the city, causing widespread transportation disruptions and power outages. The snow began falling around 10 pm on Friday and continued throughout the night. By Saturday morning, the snow had coated streets, sidewalks, and vehicles. Many residents awoke to a winter wonderland, with the heavy snow weighing down trees and power lines. The heavy snow led to hazardous driving conditions on roads throughout the city. Several major highways were closed, and traffic was backed up for miles. Public transportation was also disrupted, with buses and trains experiencing delays and cancellations. The snowstorm also caused power outages in several parts of the city. At the peak of the storm, over 5,000 customers were without power. Utility crews worked throughout the day to restore service, but many residents were left in the dark for several hours. The Billings Public Works Department deployed snowplows and salt trucks to clear the streets. However, the heavy accumulation of snow made it difficult to keep up with the pace of the storm. Residents were urged to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel. Those who had to venture out were advised to use caution and allow extra time for their commute. Snow removal crews worked around the clock to clear sidewalks and public areas. Volunteers also pitched in to help shovel sidewalks and driveways for elderly and disabled residents. The snowstorm is expected to continue into the weekend, although the intensity of the snowfall is expected to decrease. Forecasters are predicting an additional 2-4 inches of snow could accumulate before the storm moves out of the area. Residents are advised to check weather forecasts before traveling and to be prepared for additional snow accumulations.


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