Amarillo, Texas: Cattle Stampede Causes Downtown Traffic Jam

Cattle Stampede Causes Downtown Amarillo Traffic JamCattle Stampede Causes Downtown Amarillo Traffic Jam Amarillo, Texas (August 26, 2023) – A massive cattle stampede caused a significant traffic jam in downtown Amarillo on Friday morning. The incident occurred shortly after 9:00 AM when a herd of about 500 head of cattle escaped from a nearby feedlot. The cattle surged through the streets, blocking major intersections and snarling traffic for hours. “It was like a scene from a Western movie,” said eyewitness John Smith. “Cattle were everywhere, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop them.” The Amarillo Police Department responded to the situation with all available officers. They worked with cowboys from the surrounding ranches to round up the escaped cattle. However, the process was slow and painstaking. “These cattle are scared and disoriented,” said Officer Michael Jones. “We have to approach them carefully to avoid further panic.” The traffic jam extended for several blocks, affecting businesses and commuters alike. Some drivers reported being stuck in their cars for over an hour. “I was trying to get to work, but the cattle had the entire street blocked,” said frustrated driver Karen Wilson. “I had to turn around and go home.” The cattle stampede also caused damage to property and vehicles. Several cars were damaged when they were hit by the stampeding cattle. Additionally, a streetlight was knocked down, and windows were broken on several businesses. The situation was eventually brought under control by mid-afternoon. The cattle were rounded up and returned to the feedlot. Traffic gradually returned to normal as the streets were cleared. The Amarillo Police Department is investigating the cause of the cattle stampede. It is believed that a faulty gate may have allowed the cattle to escape. “We are thankful that no one was injured in this incident,” said Police Chief Henry Bass. “We are still investigating, but we will take steps to prevent anything like this from happening again.”


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