Albuquerque: Mayor Declares Record-Breaking Heatwave “Extreme Danger”

Albuquerque Braces for ‘Extreme Danger’ as Record-Breaking Heatwave LoomsAlbuquerque Braces for ‘Extreme Danger’ as Record-Breaking Heatwave Looms The City of Albuquerque is on high alert as a record-breaking heatwave is set to descend upon the region. Mayor Tim Keller has declared the imminent heatwave an “extreme danger” and urged residents to take immediate precautions. Forecasts predict temperatures soaring to unprecedented highs, surpassing 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat index, which measures the combined effects of temperature and humidity, could reach dangerous levels. “This is a life-threatening situation,” Mayor Keller said in a statement. “We must prepare now to stay safe and protect our most vulnerable residents.” The city has activated its Emergency Operations Center and is coordinating with partner agencies to provide cooling stations, hydration centers, and other emergency services. Residents are advised to: * Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, even if they don’t feel thirsty. * Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing. * Seek shade whenever possible. * Avoid strenuous activities during the hottest hours of the day. * Check in on elderly neighbors and those with health conditions. Cooling centers will be open throughout the city, including libraries, community centers, and recreation centers. Hydration stations will be located at public parks, grocery stores, and other designated areas. “We will do everything in our power to support our community during this extreme weather event,” Mayor Keller added. “But we also need everyone to take personal responsibility for their safety.” Residents are encouraged to monitor local weather reports and seek updates from the City of Albuquerque website or social media channels. If experiencing heat-related symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, or confusion, seek medical attention immediately.


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