Manhole Explosion Rocks Downtown Dubuque

Manhole Explosion Rocks Downtown DubuqueManhole Explosion Rocks Downtown Dubuque Dubuque, Iowa – A powerful explosion rocked downtown Dubuque shortly before 9:00 AM this morning, sending debris flying and injuring three people. The cause of the explosion is still under investigation, but authorities believe it may have been caused by a gas leak. According to eyewitnesses, the explosion occurred near the intersection of Main Street and 8th Street. A large manhole cover was blown into the air, and flames and smoke could be seen coming from the hole. Three people were injured in the explosion: two pedestrians and a construction worker. The pedestrians were treated at Mercy Hospital for minor injuries, while the construction worker was transported to University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics for more serious injuries. The explosion caused significant damage to the surrounding area. Several buildings were damaged, and windows were blown out at a number of businesses. The road was also damaged, and a large sinkhole has formed. Authorities have cordoned off the area and are investigating the cause of the explosion. Alliant Energy, the local gas company, is on the scene working to secure any gas leaks. “We are still trying to determine what caused this explosion,” said Dubuque Fire Chief Rick Steensland. “But we are thankful that there were no fatalities.” Mayor Roy Buol said that the city is working with Alliant Energy to make sure that the area is safe. “We are asking people to avoid the area until further notice,” said Buol. “We will keep the public informed as we learn more.” The explosion is the latest in a series of incidents involving manhole explosions in Dubuque. In 2017, a manhole explosion on 11th Street injured two people. And in 2015, a manhole explosion on Locust Street caused a fire that damaged a nearby building. Authorities are urging residents to be aware of the potential for manhole explosions and to report any suspicious activity to the police.


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