Retired Boonville Fire Chief’s Battle for LifeRetired Boonville Fire Chief’s Battle for Life In a heart-wrenching story, Robert “Bob” McKim, the retired Boonville Fire Chief, is facing a life-or-death battle as he awaits a kidney transplant. For several years, McKim has been battling chronic kidney disease, a condition that has slowly compromised his kidney function. As his condition worsened, McKim was forced to undergo dialysis, a grueling procedure that involves filtering the blood manually. However, dialysis is not a long-term solution, and McKim desperately needs a kidney transplant to regain his health. Tragically, the waiting list for kidney transplants is long and arduous. On average, patients in the United States wait several years for a suitable donor. As McKim’s health continues to decline, time is running out. Determined to fight for his life, McKim has reached out to the community for support. His wife, Lisa, has been an unwavering advocate, sharing his story on social media and organizing fundraisers to raise awareness of his condition. McKim’s former colleagues at the Boonville Fire Department have also rallied around him, offering support and encouragement. They have launched a campaign to find a living donor, someone who is willing to give up one of their kidneys to save McKim’s life. The community of Boonville and beyond has been touched by McKim’s story and has responded with an outpouring of support. Numerous people have come forward to be tested as potential donors, offering McKim a glimmer of hope. McKim’s fight for life is a testament to his resilience and the power of human connection. As he waits for the gift of a kidney, his family and friends pray for a miracle and continue to advocate for his health.
Retired Boonville Fire Chief Fights for Life as He Waits for a Kidney14 News WFIE Evansville