In a harrowing incident, a driver escaped life-threatening injuries after crashing their vehicle on Bridge Hill in West Kelowna. According to BC Highway Patrol (BCHP), the driver was speeding at over 105 km/h in a 60 km/h zone when they lost control and hit the center and right medians, causing the vehicle to roll onto its roof.In a harrowing incident, a driver escaped life-threatening injuries after crashing their vehicle on Bridge Hill in West Kelowna. According to BC Highway Patrol (BCHP), the driver was speeding at over 105 km/h in a 60 km/h zone when they lost control and hit the center and right medians, causing the vehicle to roll onto its roof. Despite the high-speed impact, the sole occupant miraculously escaped with non-life-threatening injuries. Subsequent investigations revealed that the driver was prohibited from driving under the Motor Vehicle Act, adding a further layer of recklessness to the incident. BCHP Inspector Chad Badry emphasized the ongoing focus on speed enforcement to reduce fatal collisions. The past week has seen intensified efforts to curb excessive speeds, which remain a leading cause of accidents on roadways.
A driver is lucky they didn’t suffer life-threatening injuries after crashing their vehicle at high-speed on bridge hill in West Kelowna, according to RCMP.
Around 5 a.m. on Tuesday (July 9) BC Highway Patrol (BCHP) was conducting speed enforcement on the bridge in West Kelowna when a vehicle was observed travelling west at more than 105 km/h in the 60 km/h zone.
Before police could conduct a traffic stop, the vehicle lost control, hit the centre and right medians causing it to roll onto its roof.
“Thankfully the sole occupant of the vehicle did not suffer any life-threatening injuries,” Inspector Chad Badry with BCHP said in an email. “The subsequent investigation found the driver was prohibited from driving under the Motor Vehicle Act.”
Badry added that over the past week BCHP has continued to focus on speed enforcement to try and reduce fatal collisions.