Email Driver Accused of Outrageous Modesty Towards Female Shopper

Email Driver Accused of Outrageous Modesty Towards Female Shopper A female shopper in the United States has accused an email driver of behaving in an outrageously modest manner towards her during a delivery. The incident occurred at the shopper’s residence when the driver arrived to deliver a package. According to the woman, the driver, who was dressed in a company uniform, refused to hand her the package directly and instead placed it on the ground at her feet. “I was shocked and humiliated,” the woman said. “I couldn’t believe that someone would act so inappropriately in a professional setting.” The woman confronted the driver about his behavior, but he reportedly became defensive and claimed that he was trying to be respectful. “He said that he didn’t want to make me uncomfortable by touching me,” the woman explained. “But it was his modesty that made me uncomfortable, not his touch.” The woman filed a complaint with the email delivery company, which has since launched an investigation into the incident. The driver has been placed on temporary suspension while the investigation is ongoing. The company has released a statement expressing its concern about the allegations and apologizing for any distress caused to the customer. “We take matters like this very seriously and are committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for all of our customers,” the statement read. The incident has sparked outrage on social media, with many people criticizing the driver’s behavior as unacceptable and archaic. “It’s 2023,” said one commenter. “Men need to get over their Victorian-era modesty hang-ups and start treating women like equals.” “This kind of behavior is not only disrespectful, it’s also a safety issue,” another commenter added. “Who knows what would have happened if the customer had to bend down to pick up the package herself?” The investigation into the incident is ongoing, and it remains to be seen what disciplinary action will be taken against the driver.


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