Baton Rouge Residents Puzzled by Mysterious Rainbow CloudBaton Rouge Residents Puzzled by Mysterious Rainbow Cloud Baton Rouge, Louisiana – A puzzling phenomenon graced the skies above Baton Rouge on Wednesday afternoon, leaving residents bewildered and fascinated. A vibrant rainbow cloud, an unusual and rare occurrence, cast an ethereal glow over the city. The cloud, spotted around 4:30 p.m., resembled an inverted rainbow, with the red and orange hues at the top and the violet and blue shades at the bottom. It stretched across the western sky, mesmerizing onlookers with its vibrant colors and unusual shape. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Lori Davis, a resident of the Mid City neighborhood. “It was so beautiful and surreal.” Scientists believe that the cloud, known as an iridescent cloud, is formed when sunlight passes through ice crystals in the atmosphere. As the light hits the crystals, it is refracted and separated into different wavelengths, creating the rainbow effect. Iridescent clouds are relatively uncommon, as they require specific atmospheric conditions. They are most often observed in polar regions or at high altitudes. However, the appearance of such a cloud over Baton Rouge is quite rare. “It’s a testament to the beauty and diversity of our natural world,” said Dr. Mark Johnson, a meteorologist at LSU. “These clouds are a reminder that even in the most familiar of places, there can be unexpected and awe-inspiring moments.” The rainbow cloud remained visible for approximately 30 minutes before fading away. Residents captured countless photographs and videos of the ethereal spectacle, sharing them on social media and marveling at the natural wonder they had witnessed. “It was like something out of a dream,” said Jennifer Williams, a passerby who stopped to admire the cloud. “It brought a smile to my face and reminded me of the beauty that surrounds us.” The appearance of the rainbow cloud in Baton Rouge has sparked scientific curiosity and public fascination. It serves as a reminder that the skies above us are a vast canvas for unpredictable and enchanting natural events.
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